Loan secured by Fixed deposit

With a savings account at BIDC Bank, you can use the loan guarantee service to borrow money for business and personal use, such as: increase investment capital, guarantee loans for relatives and friends, send children to study abroad, etc. through this loan It will help you to raise capital more easily and efficiently.

1. Loan information

Loan amount: Up to 95 % of  value Fixed Deposit  
Loan currency: Real ; USD
Interest rate: According to regulations of BIDC on time.
Loan term: Equal to the remaining term Fixed Deposit but not exceed 12 months.
Repayment method: Paying the principle at the end of the period, paying interest monthly according to the outstanding balance.

2. Loan Condition

Borrower is owner of Fixed Deposit  at BIDC  or Borrower is guaranteed by a third party who is the owner of Fixed Deposit  
Having a loan demand in accordance with BIDC's regulations.
Loan security:   Fixed Deposit at BIDC.

3. Loan Documents

Loan application form (BIDC form).
ID/Passport (photocopy and original comparison).
Fixed Deposit at BIDC

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