Housing Loan

Ownership a spacious house is not just a dream anymore. Now you can quickly turn your dream come true by Housing Loan of BIDC with a loan ratio equal with your financial capabilities.

1. Loan information

Loan amount: up to 70% of collateral
Loan currency: Real ; USD
Interest Rate :Competitive
Loan term: Up to 20 Years.

2. Loan Condition

Borrower  is a Cambodian of 18-60 years old
Have the financial ability to ensure the ability to repay debt within a specified period.
Have owner Capital : 70% of house
Collateral owned by a borrower or a third party owned by a qualified BIDC lender.

3. Loan Documents

ID card / passport
Family book / residence book
Contract buy-sell house
Detailed documents on the source of income to repay the debt
Collateral Document

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