KHQR Payment

KHQR Payment on BIDC Mobile Banking

Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia Plc. (BIDC) has just upgraded BIDC Mobile Banking to allow customers scan QR & pay without fee at KHQR merchants of more than 60 Bakong members: banks, microfinance institutions in Cambodia. It is easily, conveniently and fastly!

BIDC developed KHQR Payment to expand payment facitlites of joining National Bank of Cambodia’s Project Bakong system which is developed in the rapid advancement of new technological innovations arising from blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

In addition, merchant​s can​ accept​ cashless​ payments​ from​ clients​ of​ many​ banks and microfinance institutions of Bakong members ​via BIDC KHQR​ code payment,​ just download BIDC Mobile Banking from Apple App Store or Google Play on smartphone, tablets to get BIDC KHQR remittance or visit BIDC’s branches to register KHQR Stand, Sticker, Lanyard.

BIDC also launched the transaction OTT notification service via Telegram message to support merchants receive KHQR payment confirmation messages sent to the individual account or Telegram group administrated by each merchant.

Currently all outgoing and incoming transanction via Scan QR payment on BIDC Mobile Banking are free of charge and the limit for Scan QR functions are set  up as below:


Limit level

Customer type

Maximum Limit


Limit per transaction

eKYC customers

1,000.00 USD - 4,000,000 KHR


Limit per day 

eKYC customers

3,000.00 USD - 12,000,000 KHR


Limit per transaction

Normal customers

10,000.00 USD - 40,000,000 KHR


Limit per day 

Normal customers

10,000.00 USD - 40,000,000 KHR


Limit per transaction

VIP customers

10,000.00 USD - 40,000,000 KHR


Limit per day 

VIP customers

25,000.00 USD - 100,000,000 KHR

1.  Scan & Pay KHQR Guideline:

Step 1: Open BIDC Mobile Banking and do scan of KHQR (BIDC KHQR, Bakong eWallet QR, KHQR Merchants, KHQR Remittance) or upload QR image to scan for payment.

Step 2: Input the amount and content for payment.

Step 3: Verify your transaction by entering the OTP to complete the transaction.

2. Remittance KHQR payment Guideline:

Step 1: Open BIDC Mobile Banking, choice function Account => Account Information

Step 2: Click icon QR of the speficific Account

Step 3: Share QR directly via message, chat or show to other customers from BIDC Bank or other banks (Bakong member) to scan & pay

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